The mission for Ohr Yoseph Yeshiva is a desire to offer talmidim a traditional chinuch that is composed of several parts: a rigorous grounding in lomdishe learning as represented by the Brisker approach to fastidious reading of the text and searching conceptual analysis; a devotion to straightforward Hungarian learning with a view toward shmatze alibah d’hilcheseh; and shaping it all around a Chassidic personality of yiras Hashem, hislahavus, simchas hachayim and a pious prishus. The aim is to kindle in each bochur a bren for learning Torah, as a fulfillment of his highest purpose. Davening is viewed as an unequalled opportunity to show devotion through avodah by expressing awed praise for the Master of the Universe. And it is carried out in earnest with a full understanding of the privilege that tfilah implies, the privilege of an am hanivchar that can make pleas both on behalf of the individual and the larger klall before the Boray Olam.

The mission then is clear. The Yeshiva Gedolah aims to take a high school bochur who comes with the basic skills for learning and a rudimentary knowledge of halacha and mesorah and a character that is in formation and to develop all of these potential qualities so that by the time the bochur has become a Kollel student he is a mature Chassidishe yungerman with sophisticated abilities.

The mission is better understood as a series of objectives.

  1. To develop the student’s skills in learning a Gemorrah, from translation to following the many concepts that are debated, to understanding how the conclusion is arrived at.
  2. To develop deep thinking skills- how to approach a sugya, to pay careful attention to the textual nuances (diyukkim), analyze the reasoning process, and view the basic text not as a fixed account but rather as a fluid source with several possibilities
  3. To master the process of commentary study. Drawing on the principal Rishonim and Achronim to explore the text’s various possibilities and shaded meanings through the prism of the authoritative Commentaries.
  4. To develop an ameilus, the disposition to concentrate and focus on the implications of a Gemorrah and to toil at making all pieces fit together; in brief to devote great intellectual energy to deep study.
  5. To learn Yiras Hashem, hadrocho and hashkofo from the classic Missar seforim and to develop a sensitivity to the mitzvos bain adom laMakom and bain adom l’chaveiro.
  6. To develop a refined character.
  7. To internalize the Chassidic traditions through studying traditional Chassidic seforim and the history of outstanding Chassidic masters
  8. To learn Chumish with fresh eyes, as a primer on Emunah and bitachon
  9. To put great emphasis on one’s tfilah; understanding the beautiful prayers, analyzing their poetic allegories and the deeper purposes of the Anshei Knesses Hagedolah in structuring and creating the major prayers.
  10. Set the student on a path of consistent and undeviating lifelong learning.
    With this set of mission objectives Yeshiva Ohr Yoseph has claimed its place among the new generation of Yeshivos, attracting students who are committed to growing in their learning and in their Yiras Shomayim


Yeshiva Ohr Yoseph’s First Talmudic Degree Program is accredited by the Association of Advanced Rabbinical and Talmudic Schools (AARTS)