When Title IV awards that are credited to a student’s tuition account exceed the student’s tuition balance, and a credit balance occurs, the amount of the credit will be disbursed to the student.The Yeshivas business office will issue a check to the student from the Yeshivas Bursar Account in the amount of the credit balance.… Continue reading Credit Balance
Category: new
Attendance Policies
does not take official attendance. Method used to confirm student started classes. The registrar office prepares class-lists for each instructor at the beginning of each semester,instructors notify the office if any student on the list did not show up and ask the office toremove the student from the list, and regenerate for them a clean… Continue reading Attendance Policies
Incentive Compensation
has no recruiter compensation/incentive programs.The Yeshiva will not compensate any employee involved in student recruitment on the basis ofa commission, commission draw, bonus, quota or similar method of payment
Availability of Full-Time Employee
has designated Mr. , as the full time employee available to assist enrolled and prospective students in obtaining information on financial aid programs available, criteria for eligibility, and procedure for applying for financial aid, cost of attendance, retention rates, completion and transfer rates, institutional security and crime statistics, and all required disclosures and information, as… Continue reading Availability of Full-Time Employee
Voting Registration
You can download the fillable voter registration form below or click on the following link to register online Click Here to register online voteregform-eng-fillable-1_0Download voteregform-eng-fillableDownload
Academic Year Definition
Eligibility for Federal Title IV aid and calculation of the aid is based on definition of its academic year 30 weeks of instruction and 24 credit hours
Textbook Info
offers a highly specialized program of study in Talmud and related subjects. Students need their own copies of the texts studied and may purchase them from one of the local Judaic bookstores stores in the area. Gemara hwhich costs between $20-$50, depending on the publisher and addition, and a Kovetz Miforshim which costs between $25… Continue reading Textbook Info