Internal Complaint Procedure: Any student who has a complaint should submit it in writing to the Dean. The complaint will be investigated, and the student will be informed in writing within 30 days of the resolution of his complaint. No person directly involved in the complaint issue will make the final determination of the complaint.… Continue reading Complaint Procedure
Category: policies
IT Security Mangement
DefinitionsSensitive Information is defined as any information that provides personally identifiableinformation (PII) on a student, faculty or staff member. PII is information that can be used touniquely identify, contact or locate a single person or can be used with other sources to uniquely identify a single individual. This includes, but is not limited to, information… Continue reading IT Security Mangement
Constitution day Program
Professional Judgment
Note: If a student is selected for verification, Professional Judgment will not be performed until the verification process has been completed. Professional Judgment refers to the authority of a school’s financial aid administrator to adjust, on a case-by-case basis, with adequate documentation, elements on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form. The FAFSA… Continue reading Professional Judgment
Credit Balance
When Title IV awards that are credited to a student’s tuition account exceed the student’s tuition balance, and a credit balance occurs, the amount of the credit will be disbursed to the student.The Yeshivas business office will issue a check to the student from the Yeshivas Bursar Account in the amount of the credit balance.… Continue reading Credit Balance
Attendance Policies
does not take official attendance. Method used to confirm student started classes. The registrar office prepares class-lists for each instructor at the beginning of each semester,instructors notify the office if any student on the list did not show up and ask the office toremove the student from the list, and regenerate for them a clean… Continue reading Attendance Policies
Incentive Compensation
has no recruiter compensation/incentive programs.The Yeshiva will not compensate any employee involved in student recruitment on the basis ofa commission, commission draw, bonus, quota or similar method of payment
Satisfactory Academic Progress
In order to maintain eligibility for Title IV Aid programs, students must meet the following Satisfactory Progress standards. All matriculated students pursuing an approved program at are required to maintain satisfactory academic progress toward graduation, which in this institution is defined as being in good academic standing as detailed below. The SAP standards required for… Continue reading Satisfactory Academic Progress
The Student Aid applicant output document which results from the processing of the FAFSA (the Student Aid Report [SAR] or Institutional Student Information Record [ISIR]) is received by the Financial Aid Office. If an asterisk is noted to the right of the EFC, this student has been selected for verification. verifies students based on the… Continue reading Verification
Availability of Full-Time Employee
has designated Mr. , as the full time employee available to assist enrolled and prospective students in obtaining information on financial aid programs available, criteria for eligibility, and procedure for applying for financial aid, cost of attendance, retention rates, completion and transfer rates, institutional security and crime statistics, and all required disclosures and information, as… Continue reading Availability of Full-Time Employee